When Oliver insinuates that he might be morally superior to Avery in the way he turns a blind eye to others outside their relationship, Avery enlists Vanna to help her run a field test on his idea of himself. Watch: STREAMTAPE MIXDROP DOODSTREAM EVOLOAD VIDEOBIN VIDLOX
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Watch video: [Deeper] Avery Cristy, Vanna Bardot (Another Person / 07.25.2021) on xkeezmovies
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Mick finds evidence of Gianna’s cheating. Oliver takes Gianna’s advice and practices Sensate Focus. His wife won’t be bothered with him, but he hires Avery to stimulate him about he’s just about to come. She does w...
Kenzie buys her girlfriend everything she wants, but Avery’s not about to sit around all day playing housewife. Instead, she concocts a scheme to keep her breadwinner distracted. Kenzie is used to cracking the whip...
Avery has long hidden her d/s relationship in plain sight, but while her husband entertains their guests, her bratty sub reminds her that in absence of her affections, he is more than capable of entertaining their ...
Avery is strung along by a stranger she met online, hoping to be rewarded with a meeting as his sexual requests escalate.Watch:STREAMTAPEMIXDROPDOODSTREAMEVOLOADVIDEOBINVIDLOX
School girl Avery Cristy is sent to boarding school because she had been misbehaving. Teacher Richelle Ryan is an expert at treating bratty girls such as Avery, so after sitting her down, she figures if this girl i...
Avery and Naomi have a fierce competition going, but Avery always comes out on top. Maybe it’s because Naomi is too aggressive. Or maybe it’s because Avery is fucking her way into first place. When Naomi catches on...
Avery is on vacation with a single and very promiscuous friend. One night, when she is forced to go on a double date, her faithfulness becomes compromised.
Avery is organizing a work retreat with her boss in the Caribbean. There a couple of days early before the rest of the company arrives, her frustrations with her stubborn boss are at an all-time high. As a means of re...
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